Verify the install

At this point the Conductor instance is running in Google Cloud. You should verify it is installed correctly by logging in and licensing the Conductor. It may take several minutes for the Conductor to become available after it starts, so if you attempt to access it and your browser appears to stop responding, please try again in a few minutes.
Note: When running the Conductor for the first time, you may receive notifications indicating the connection is not private. Once you have finished configuring the Conductor, you can install a customer certificate on the Conductor that preventd these notifications

To verify the install:

  1. Point your web browser to the external IP address for your Conductor. Make sure you begin the address with https://.
  2. An unlicensed Conductor will display the initial Provisioning page where you enter your license voucher.
  3. Enter the voucher code you received from Tempered in the Voucher code field.
  4. Click Provision now. It will take a moment to finish the operation. Once complete, you should see confirmation page.
  5. Select Click here to start using the Conductor.
  6. Enter the default username and password you received when you completed installation and click Sign in.
  7. You will be prompted to enter a new password. Enter the default password in the Current password field and a new password of your choosing in the New password and Confirm new password fields.
  8. Click Update.
  9. On the System Configuration dialog, leave all the fields as is and click Configure.
  10. It will take a moment to complete the operation. Once finished, click Return to settings.
You should see the Conductor Settings page. On the right side in the Network adapter 1 section, the IP address should match the Internal IP of your instance in the GCP portal.