Conductor for Google Cloud Platform Quick Start

To get started, make sure you have access to your Google Cloud account. If you don't have an account, you can create a free Google Cloud account and upgrade it to a full account later. If you have an existing Google Cloud account, make sure your billing information is set up. You cannot create a project until you are able to link your billing information to your newly created project.

A Conductor license voucher is necessary at the end of this procedure if you want to start the Conductor and verify it is set up correctly. Fulfillment will provide this to you in an email after your purchase is complete.

Log in to Google Cloud

From a Web browser, navigate to You will see one of two pages, the Getting Started page if you have no projects or the Home page if you have existing projects.

Select the Tempered Networks Conductor from the Marketplace

Select the Conductor in the Google Cloud Marketplace.

  1. From your GCP Dashboard, select Marketplace on the left sidebar.
  2. In the Search field at the top of the page, enter tempered networks conductor and press enter.
  3. In the results list, locate and select Tempered Networks Conductor v2.1.
The product page opens where you can deploy the Conductor.

Install the Conductor Image

  1. On the product page, click LAUNCH ON COMPUTE ENGINE.
  2. The Conductor deployment uses a template so most settings you can leave as is, however you may want to make the following changes:
    1. Deployment name: Enter a name for your Conductor.
    2. Zone: Select a zone from the drop-down. The zone determines what computing resources are available and where your data is stored and used.
    3. Machine type: Leave as is. Machine type determines the amount of memory, virtual cores, and persistent disk limits for the Conductor. The default settings are required for the Conductor to function correctly.
    4. Data Disk: Leave the Data disk type and Data disk size in GB fields as is.
    5. Networking: Leave the Network, Subnetwork, External IP, Firewall, and IP forwarding fields as is.
      Note: Some fields may be hidden based on your screen size. To view these fields, click More just above the Deploy button.
  3. Click Deploy.

Finalize the Deployment

It will take a few moments for the process to complete. You can view the progress of your deployment by viewing the tree hierarchy of you components on the page.

Once complete, the message changes indicating your deployment is complete.

Obtain your Conductor Address and Credentials

When your Conductor finishes installing, its information appears in the right pane of the page. You need three pieces of this information to log in to your Conductor for the first time: your Conductor site address, username, and temporary password.
Conductor site address
Copy from Site address, or click Visit the site to open it in your browser.
Username and password
Copy from the shaded box near the bottom.

Verify the install

At this point the Conductor instance is running in Google Cloud. You should verify it is installed correctly by logging in and licensing the Conductor. It may take several minutes for the Conductor to become available after it starts, so if you attempt to access it and your browser appears to stop responding, please try again in a few minutes.
Note: When running the Conductor for the first time, you may receive notifications indicating the connection is not private. Once you have finished configuring the Conductor, you can install a customer certificate on the Conductor that preventd these notifications

To verify the install:

  1. Point your web browser to the external IP address for your Conductor. Make sure you begin the address with https://.
  2. An unlicensed Conductor will display the initial Provisioning page where you enter your license voucher.
  3. Enter the voucher code you received from Tempered Networks in the Voucher code field.
  4. Click Provision now. It will take a moment to finish the operation. Once complete, you should see confirmation page.
  5. Select Click here to start using the Conductor.
  6. Enter the default username and password you received when you completed installation and click Sign in.
  7. You will be prompted to enter a new password. Enter the default password in the Current password field and a new password of your choosing in the New password and Confirm new password fields.
  8. Click Update.
  9. On the System Configuration dialog, leave all the fields as is and click Configure.
  10. It will take a moment to complete the operation. Once finished, click Return to settings.
You should see the Conductor Settings page. On the right side in the Network adapter 1 section, the IP address should match the Internal IP of your instance in the GCP portal.