Secure your camera feed

Stream secure video over encrypted HIP tunnels.

There are lots of ways to see what’s happening at home, but nearly all of them require a third-party service that stores your images in their cloud, with the potential for hackers to access your camera. With Airwall Teams, it’s easy to securely connect to your home devices, such as video cameras, while you're on the go. Here's how to repurpose an old Android or iOS phone, avoid the monthly bill for a service, and make sure no one else can see inside your home.

What you'll need

Here's what you'll need to set this up with Airwall Teams:
  • An Airwall Teams account
  • A device to stream the video – An iOS or Android device to act as your camera. You could use an old laptop, too.
  • A device to view the video stream – An iOS or Android cell phone or tablet to use to access your camera.

Step 1: Build your network

  1. If you haven’t already, go to and sign up for an Airwall Teams account.
  2. On your Airwall Teams network, connect the old phone or other device (Old iPhone below) you're using for your camera feed, to the device (Rich's iPad below) you want to use to access the camera feed from anywhere. For help, see Set up your secure network.
    When you're done, it should look like this:Airwall Teams network dashboard showing Rich's iPad and Old iPhone connected

Step 2: Install a camera streaming app

This example uses the Live-Reporter Live Camera app from the Apple App Store. You can use other apps that support point-to-point video streaming if you’d like. (This app supports the RTSP streaming protocol.)
  1. On the Old iPhone that you're using to stream video, install the Live-Reporter Live Camera app from the App Store.
    Apple App Store showing Live-Reporter Live Camera app
  2. Open the live camera app, and allow it access to your location, camera, and any other requested permissions.
    Note: This app only works when it is open. Check the app you're using to see whether you need to leave it running or not.
  3. Point the camera at something you want to live-stream. Maybe your front porch (from inside), or a pet's food area.

Step 3: Install and set up a video viewing app

This example uses the VLC app from the app store, but you can use any other app that supports video streaming (sometimes referred to as an RTSP client).
On the phone you're going to use to access the video stream (Rich's iPad here), install a video viewing app. Here's the VLC for Mobile app in the Apple App Store.
Apple App Store showing VLC for Mobile app

Set up your video viewing app

The last step is configuring the video viewing app to connect to your video stream.

  1. Get the Overlay IP address of your Old iPhone from the Airwall Teams dashboard. In this example, the IP is This IP address is different than the one it gets joining your WiFi network.
    Get the Overlay IP for your home PC from the Airwall Teams page

    This IP address never changes so you can save the IP address in your Remote Desktop app and be ready to connect whenever you need to.

  2. Open the video viewing app and add the IP address to connect to. For example, in the VLC for Mobile app:
    1. Go to Network.
      Tap the plus sign on the Windows Remote Desktop Mobile app
    2. Enter the Airwall Teams network IP for your streaming device into your viewing app. In this example, you would enter rtsp://
    3. Tap Open Network Stream.
      In the VLC for Mobile app, enter the IP and tap Open Network Stream
  3. Back on the streaming device (the Old iPhone in this example), you may need to grant the request to connect in the streaming app. If you're using the Live Camera app, you should get a notification, and can select OK to grant permission to use the local network. If you miss the notification, go to Settings > Live Reporter and add the Local Network permission.
    In the Live Camera app, grant permissions for the Local Network

Enjoy the video stream

Once you've granted permission to use the network, you should see the video start streaming on your viewing device.

In the VLC for Mobile app, enjoy your video stream - picture of a cat eating at its food dish