I want to request to connect

Request to connect your Airwall Agent to an Airwall secure network.

You can manually set up your Airwall Agent by creating a profile and entering the Conductor address for the Airwall secure network. You can get the Conductor address from the administrator for the secure network. When you are finished setting up your profile, the first time you attempt to connect, the Airwall secure network administrator gets a request from you to allow you to connect and then configures the resources you have access to.

Set up my Airwall Agent manually

  1. Open the Airwall Agent.
  2. From the menu, click Configure.
  3. Tap the plus (+) sign.
  4. Enter a name for your profile.
  5. Enter the Conductor address (URL or IP address).
  6. If you have an Activation Code, enter it in the Activation Code or Invitation box.
    If you do not have an Activation Code, send your Conductor administrator your device ID (shown on the profile page) and request they provision your device. Leave the Airwall Agent profile on while your administrator finds and provisions your device.
  7. Click Save or OK.
If you have connected with an Activation code, you will be able to connect right away. If you have requested your device be provisioned, you will have access once the Conductor administrator provisions your device.

When your Airwall Agent shows you are connected to the Conductor, and you can reach assets in the Airwall secure network on your device. See Connecting to an Airwall secure network.

You can now turn on the Airwall Agent profile when you need to access protected assets.

Set up an Airwall Linux Agent manually

  1. To create a new profile and activate with an Activation code, enter:
    sudo airctl profile create <profile_name> conductor=<conductor_url> invitation=<activation_code>
    For example:
    sudo airctl profile create MyProfile conductor=cond.example.com invitation=45k234k678k901k
  2. To modify an existing profile and activate with an Activation code, enter:
    sudo airctl profile modify <profile_name> conductor=<conductor_url> invitation=<activation_code>
    For example:
    sudo airctl profile modify MyProfile conductor=cond.example.com invitation=45k234k678k901k
Once the Conductor administrator provisions your device, your Airwall Linux Agent shows you are connected to the Conductor, and you can reach assets in the Airwall secure network with your device.
You can now turn on the Airwall Linux Agent profile when you need to access protected assets. For more information, see Connecting to an Airwall secure network.