How to turn on full-tunnel configuration for Windows Airwall Agents and Servers (v2.2.2 and v2.2.1)
How to configure Windows Airwall Agents and Servers for full-tunnel.
Full Tunnel on v2.2.2 Airwall Agents
- Select an Airwall Gateway to be the gateway for ingress traffic for the Airwall Agent. (The Airwall Gateway you want to protect the device).
Add a fake device to the Airwall Gateway on its Local devices page.
- Add the device, the Airwall Agents, and the destination device to an Overlay network.
Whitelist “trust” the HIPclients to the device. All HIPclients on
that Overlay will turn into full-tunnel mode.
- Turn on Source NAT on Gateway HIPswitch. Step (3) above is crucial, while the rest depends on what exactly you want to achieve.
Full Tunnel on v2.2.1 Airwall Servers
- In the Conductor, open the page for the Airwall Server.
- Go to .
- Select Edit Settings.
- Toggle the Enable port filtering Slider to Enabled”
- Select Update Settings.