Installation and Configuration

Building a Tempered Networks Solution requires a minimum of three components: A Conductor and two or more HIPservices. After attaching devices to the HIPservices and establishing trusted communication, they create a virtual network, or fabric. The Conductor acts as a centralized management dashboard for the network, pushing policy information to the HIPservices. Every HIPservice within the fabric knows the network layer, state of its peers, and every peer maintains Identity-Based Routing (IDR) tables. These HIPservices show on the Conductor's dashboard and allow you to manage them and their attached devices.

A typical deployment requires the following steps:

Note: If you are installing a physical Conductor or HIPservice, make sure you are familiar with your hardware, including the variety of power options and physical installation steps before you begin your deployment. Refer to your model's Platform Guide or Install Guide included with your hardware.
Tip: For additional information about the Tempered Networks Solution, see the Product overview in the Get Started section.