Raspbian and RPi4/Ubuntu ARM64 – Install the Airwall Server

To connect to Airwall Teams, install the Raspberry Pi Raspbian or RPi4/Ubuntu ARM64 Airwall Server on your device.

Before you begin, check the Operating system requirements for Airwall Agents and Servers for your Raspberry Pi device.
  1. On your Raspberry Pi, open the email you received and select Click here to confirm this mail.
  2. Fill in the Create Account form: Enter your name and create an Airwall Teams account password.
  3. Read and agree to the terms: Check I have read and agree to all terms in the end user licensing agreement, and click Submit.

  4. Under Step 1, click the link to download the installation file for your Raspberry Pi version. Click More Downloads if your installation type isn't shown.
  5. Install the Airwall Server package for your version of Raspberry Pi. You can copy and paste the commands from the install page:

    Airwall Server RPi4 install page showing command lines to copy

    wget command and results in a terminal window

    You can also manually install by entering:


    wget --output-document=/tmp/airwall.deb https://teams.tempered.io/download/clients/airwall_2.2.10.Raspbian9.armhf.deb

    RPi4 Ubuntu ARM64:

    wget --output-document=/tmp/airwall.deb https://teams.tempered.io/download/clients/airwall-2.2.10.Ubuntu18.arm64.deb
  6. Accept the EULA using sudo ACCEPT. Again, you can copy from the install page:
    sudo ACCEPT command and results in a terminal window

    You can also manually enter the command:

    sudo ACCEPT_EULA=y dpkg -i /tmp/airwall.deb
  7. Create a profile and activate your connection by copying and pasting the activation command from the install page.

    create a profile and activate commands and results in a terminal window

    You can also manually activate by entering:

    sudo airctl profile create <profile name> conductor=<conductor> invitation=<invite code> activate
  8. Start the service my entering:
    airctl service start
    Note: If the Airwall service is already running, it may not activate a new profile without first stopping and starting the service.
  9. Return to the Airwall Teams website and click Activate. Copy the command under Step 2: Activate. You will use this command to activate the Airwall Server.
  10. Paste the command into a terminal window, and press Enter to activate your Airwall Server.
  11. Wait for the Airwall Server to activate. When complete, you'll get a message that your Airwall Server has been activated.

Click Look around to close the activation window. Find your device in the device list on the left to verify you are connected. You can also check in a terminal by typing the following:

sudo airctl service status

In the output, look for the line conductor=true, which means you are connected to your Airwall Teams network.

Uninstall the Raspberry Pi Airwall Server

To uninstall the Raspbian or RPi4 Ubuntu ARM64 Airwall Server, do the following:
  1. Open a terminal window
  2. Type:
    sudo dpkg -r airwall
    Note: This won't remove your profile files.