iOS – Install the Airwall Agent

To connect to Airwall Teams, install the iOS Airwall Agent on your device.

  1. On your iOS device, open the email you received and tap Click here to confirm this mail.
  2. Fill in the Create Account form: Enter your name and create an Airwall Teams account password.
  3. Read and agree to the terms: Check I have read and agree to all terms in the end user licensing agreement, and click Submit.

  4. Tap iOS Airwall Agent to download the software onto your iPhone or iPad.

  5. When prompted to Open in App Store, tap Open.
  6. Install the app and then tap Open on the App Store page to start the Airwall Agent.
  7. Accept the Airwall would like to send you notifications message.
  8. Read and accept the End User License Agreement.
  9. When you see the invitation message, tap OK.
  10. Tap Allow to enable the VPN configuration.
  11. When you see the Profile added message, tap OK.

Uninstall the iOS Airwall Agent

To uninstall the iOS Airwall Agent, follow the instructions at Apple Support.