Create Airwall Edge Service groups

If you are managing a large number of Airwall Edge Services, you can create Airwall groups in the Conductor to simplify administrative tasks.

Once you have Airwall groups, you act on them in groups:
Note: You can only add Airwall Edge Services to a group if you have permissions to edit them.

To create an Airwall groups:

  1. Go to Airwalls.
  2. Check each Airwall Edge Service you want to add to the group.
  3. In v2.2.8 and earlier, select Create Group.
  4. Enter a name, description, and tags, and if it is for an Airwall Relay, check This group is an Airwall relay group.
  5. If you want the group to have network communication disabled when it is created, under Network communications, select Disabled.
  6. Go to the Airwalls tab to add additional Airwall Edge Services.
  7. Select Create.