Deploy a HIPswitch on Amazon Web Services

To deploy a cloud HIPswitch on Amazon Web Services (AWS) you need the following:
  • An AWS access key ID and secret access key pair to create the AWS cloud provider. If you do not already have a key pair created in your AWS account, you need to create one as follows: Click your username and select My Security Credentials in the drop-down.

    For more information about access keys, see AWS Security Credentials in the AWS documentation.

    Note: If you create an access key in your AWS root account, you can only retrieve the secret key portion when you create it. If you anticipate using the same key at a later date, we recommend you create an IAM user with access to your security keys instead of relying on root access keys.
  • The address and port of your Conductor.
  • A HIPswitch AMI, shared to your account by Tempered Networks Fulfillment when you purchased your AWS HIPswitch.
There are three steps required to deploy a HIPswitch to your AWS account:
  1. Add the AWS provider to your Conductor
  2. Create a HIPswitch deployment template
  3. Deploy one or more HIPswitches using the template
  1. Add the AWS provider to your Conductor.
    1. In the Conductor, select the gear icon in the upper-right to access the Settings page.
    2. Select the Cloud providers tab and click + Add Cloud Providers
    3. In the Add Cloud Provider dialog, select the check-mark to the right of Amazon Web Services and click Next
    4. Enter your AWS access key, AWS secret key, and Default region

    5. Click Finish
      Your AWS cloud provider is displayed in the Configured Cloud Providers list.

  2. Create a HIPswitch deployment template.