Configure user authentication for Airwall Agents and Airwall Servers

You can configure user authentication for Airwall Agents and the Windows Airwall Server by requiring a username or password before they can connect to an Overlay.

Linux servers don’t support any form of user authentication.

Note: For user authentication compatibility and functionality, make sure your Conductor and all Airwall Agents and Airwall Servers are on the latest version (v3.0.3).
  1. In the Conductor, on an Airwall Agent configuration page, select Edit Settings, and check the Require authenticated Airwall session. Select Update Settings.

    Requiring authenticated sessions for an Airwall Agent or Server on the People page

    Note: If you do not see the Edit Settings, you do not have permissions to edit that Airwall Agent.
  2. Connect the Airwall Agent or Airwall Server to the Conductor.
  3. Verify that:
    • Logging in requires you enter Conductor or LDAP credentials.
    • The Airwall Agent or Airwall Server has access to the Overlay.
  4. You can monitor user connections from the information pages in the People tab in Conductor.

    You also have the ability to end the session on-demand as an administrator.