Logical Operators

The supported logical operators you can use in an expression using the Conductor Query Language.

Logical Operator Description Examples
and Finds everything that matches all expressions.
model == ‘110g’ and version == ‘3.1.0’ 

Finds all 110g Airwall Gateways on v3.1.0

or Finds everything that matches any expression.
model == ‘110g’ or version == ‘3.1.0’

Finds all 110g Airwall Gateways and all Airwall Edge Services on v3.1.0

in Finds everything that has any of the values in the list.
tags in [‘a’, ‘c’] 

Finds everything tagged a or c. Compare this with tags == [‘a’, ‘c’], which returns items tagged with both and only these two tags.

'a' in tags

Finds everything tagged a, even if these items also have additional tags.

version in ["3.1.0", "3.0.2", "3.0.0"]

Finds everything on version 3.1.0, 3.0.2, or 3.0.0.

~ or


Partial match of the value.
name ~ ‘bldg4’ 

Finds all Airwall Edge Services with “bldg4” in the name.

== Exact match of the value.
name == ‘bldg4’ 

Finds only Airwall Edge Services named exactly ‘bldg4’.

!= Not equal
name != ‘bldg4’

Finds Airwall Edge Services that are not named ‘bldg4’.

! Is not

Matches everything that is not a cloud Airwall Gateway.

() Group expressions inside the parentheses.
(model == ‘110g’ and version ~ ‘3.1.0’) or (model == ‘300v’ and version == ‘3.0.0’)

Finds all 110g Airwall Gateways on v3.1.0 and all 300v Airwall Gateways on v3.0.0.