Example: Complex device trust

The example below shows a configuration in CCTV network that has multiple trust policies configured.

This example highlights a key concept to keep in mind when configuring device trust. When configuring trust, you are only allowing trust between the initial device selected, highlighted in blue, and each individual device, highlighted in gray. Configuring trust between individual devices in gray is a separate step, as shown below.

  1. First, configure the trust relationships for the CCTV Network device group.
    1. In the Devices tab, click the button for CCTV NETWORK
    2. Click the button for device group CCTV-DVR-0110
    3. Click the button for device CCTV-DVR-0111
    4. Click the button for device CCTV-DVR-01
    5. Click the button for device Monitor Station 1
  2. Next configure the additional trust required between Monitor Station 1 and CCTV-DVR-0111.
    1. In the Devices tab, click the button for CCTV-DVR-0111. Note that the CCTV NETWORK device is automatically highlighted in gray, because trust between the two was already configured in step one.
    2. Click the button for CCTV-DVR-0111 to add it to the policy.
  3. Refresh the screen to return to the default Devices view.