Connecting with an Airwall Linux Agent

You manage your Airwall Linux Agent profiles and connections on the command line using Airshell (airsh).
Note: In addition to the commands outlined here, you can enter sudo airsh help tree to see all available commands. Not all Airshell commands are supported on an Airwall Linux Agent. See Airwall Linux Agent Airshell commands.

Connecting and disconnecting from the Airwall secure network

  • To connect to the active profile, enter:
    sudo airsh service start
  • To disconnect, enter:
    sudo airsh service stop
  • If the service is already running, to restart enter:
    sudo airsh service restart

Managing profiles

  • To create a new profile, enter:
    sudo airsh profile create name=<new profile name> conductor=<conductor_url> [act=<activation_code>]
  • To switch profiles, enter:
    sudo airsh profile activate <profile name or number>
  • To edit an existing profile, enter:
    sudo airsh profile modify <profile name or number> [name=<new_name>] [conductor=<conductor_url>] [act=<activation_code>] [log_level=<info | warn | error | debug | trace>]
  • To delete a profile, enter:
    sudo airsh profile delete <profile name or number>

Finding your device ID

If you are still not connected, send your device ID to the administrator for your Airwall secure network. To get your device ID, enter:
sudo airsh profile list verbose <profile_name>

Checking your connection

To check your connection, enter:
sudo airsh status

Checking your Wi-Fi connection

To check your Wi-Fi connection (when a Wi-Fi NIC is available), enter:
sudo airsh status wifi

Following the log to troubleshoot your Airwall Linux Agent

To watch the log file, enter:
sudo airsh log follow