What's New in 2.2.3

Version 2.2.3 of our product includes many new features and enhancements.

Introducing Tempered Airwall

Tempered's fully encrypted, virtual air-gap network security solution is now called Airwall. Our product offerings are also changing to match our brand and make their functions clearer.

What’s New

OpenID Connect support for Airwall Clients

We have added OpenID Connect support for authenticating remote sessions on Android, iOS and macOS Airwall Agents (formerly Android, iOS, and OSx HIPclients). There is also now a global option to lock out clients that do not support user auth.

People groups as Overlay members/managers
People Groups are now able to be members of Overlay Networks as well as Managers of Overlay Networks. Now user permissions can be configured entirely in an authentication provider such as LDAP or OpenID Connect via people group membership.
Lockdown Mode
Lockdown Mode is now configurable from the Airwall Conductor for Airwall Agents (formerly HIPclients) that support this feature (currently supported by the Windows Airwall Agent).
Cloud Linux Airwall Servers
The Airwall Conductor can create and deploy Linux Airwall Servers directly in any cloud provider, such as Azure, AWS, or Google.

New Airwall Names

Here are translations from previous names to current terms for the Airwall Solution Airwall:

What it used to be Airwall name
Conductor -> Airwall Conductor
HIPservice -> Airwall Edge Service
HIPswitch -> Airwall Gateway
HIPclient -> Airwall Agent
HIPserver -> Airwall Server
HIPapp -> Airwall Agent
HIPrelay -> Airwall Relay
hipsh -> airsh
Tempered Networks -> Tempered
Tempered Networks Technical Documentation Airwall Help

You may see both old and new terms used in content and the Airwall Conductor as this transition is made.