Rule types

Here are the rules types you can select for device match rules:

Rule Type Arguments Description
CIDR 1 Match devices with IP addresses in the specified CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) group.
Overlay device IP network 2 Match devices matching the IP address and netmask specified (use dotted decimal notation, for example,
Overlay device IP range 2 Match devices with IP addresses in the range specified by the two IP addresses (use dotted decimal notation).
MAC Prefix 1 Match devices with the specified MAC address prefix. Enter an empty field to match devices without a MAC address.
Airwall 1 Match devices under the specified Airwall Edge Service.
Airwall Attribute 2 Match devices under any Airwall where the selected attribute matches the text you specify. The following attributes are available:
  • Name
  • Description
  • Location
  • Model
  • Product Platform
  • Capability Code
  • Cloud Attributes
  • Version
  • Hotfix List
Airwall Group 1 Match devices in the specified A drop-down list of existing Airwall group.
Tag match 1 Match devices with the specified tag.
Tag search 2 Match the selected type of objects (Airwall, Airwall group, or Device, or any object) that contain the specified tag.
Device Group 1 A drop-down list of existing device groups.