Alibaba Cloud – Set up an Airwall Gateway

Once you've set up the Conductor to create Airwall Gateways on Alibaba Cloud, it's easy to create additional Airwall Gateways.


Required licenses
An Airwall 300v license for each virtual Airwall Gateway you are setting up.
Supported versions
Conductor v2.2.8 and later

To deploy a cloud Airwall Gateway on Alibaba Cloud, you need the following:

  • An Alibaba Cloud account, and your access and secret keys.
  • The address and port of your Conductor.
  • One or more Airwall Gateway image files (from the Alibaba Cloud marketplace, or from Tempered Fulfillment uploaded to the Alibaba Cloud console).

Deploy an Airwall Gateway on Alibaba Cloud

Here’s how to deploy an Airwall Gateway to your Alibaba Cloud account:

Step 1: Add Alibaba Cloud as a provider to your Conductor

Set up Alibaba Cloud as a cloud provider in your Conductor to make deploying cloud Airwall Gateways and High-availability standby Conductor easier.

To add Alibaba Cloud as a provider, you need to:

  • Get Alibaba Cloud Access Key credentials
  • Set up Alibaba Cloud as a cloud provider in the Conductor

Get Alibaba Cloud Access Key credentials

Alibaba Cloud accounts and RAM users have identities. Alibaba Cloud services use credentials for authentication.

For example, Alibaba Cloud services use passwords for authentication when you log on to a console. In this case, your email and password are the credentials.

Alibaba Cloud uses AccessKey pairs for authentication when you make API calls. An AccessKey pair consists of an AccessKey ID and an AccessKey secret. For the most up-to-date instructions, see Alibaba Cloud API overview - Alibaba Cloud API overview| Alibaba Cloud Documentation Center

  1. Create or go to your Alibaba Cloud RAM account. For details, see Create a RAM user - Getting Started| Alibaba Cloud Documentation Center, or the most recent content from Alibaba Cloud.
  2. To get your Alibaba Cloud AccessKey pair, in Alibaba Cloud go to the RAM console.
  3. Under Users, scroll down to User AccessKeys. Create a new Access Key by selecting Create AccessKey.
    Alibaba Cloud User AccessKeys
  4. Note down your AccessKey ID and secret.
Once you have your ID and secret, you’ll use them in the next step to add Alibaba Cloud as a cloud provider in the Conductor.

Set up Alibaba Cloud as a cloud provider

  1. In the Conductor, select the gear icon in the upper-right to access the Settings page.
  2. Select the Cloud providers tab and click + Add Cloud Providers.
  3. In the Add Cloud Providers. dialog, select the check-mark to the right of Alibaba Cloud and click Next
  4. Enter your Alibaba Cloud access and secret keys, and choose an option for Alibaba Cloud route injection.
    Add Cloud Provider dialog showing where to add your Access Key ID and secret
  5. The Alibaba Cloud route injection setting determines how new routes are added to the Alibaba Cloud routing table. The routes are for traffic on your protected overlay network between protected devices and the Airwall Gateway. Here are the recommended settings depending on your deployment details:
    • If you are using a Airwall Relay, set to Disabled.
    • If you want to handle traffic for devices individually, set to Individual traffic.
    • If you want one route to send all traffic to the overlay port on the Airwall Gateway, set to All traffic.
      Note: All traffic is effectively ‘full tunnel’ mode. With Individual traffic, you could add routes that send traffic around the Airwall Gateway.
  6. By Default region, select the Refresh icon to get the list of regions from the provider, and then select your default region.
  7. Click Finish

    Your Alibaba Cloud provider is displayed in the Configured Cloud Providers list.

Step 2: Create an Airwall Gateway template on Alibaba Cloud

  1. In the Conductor, select the gear icon in the upper-right to access the Settings page, and go to the Cloud providers tab.
  2. In the Configured Cloud Providers list, under Alibaba Cloud, select the + next to Airwall templates.
  3. Give your template a descriptive name, and then select the Image and network options you want for Airwall Gateways created with this template.
    Note: To select subnets, you need to select a Network (VPC) first.
    Add Alibaba Airwall template dialog
  4. Select Save

Step 3: Deploy Airwall Gateways on Alibaba Cloud

You must Set up Alibaba Cloud as a cloud provider before you can add an Airwall Gateway in the Conductor

  1. On the Airwalls page, (or in Conductor Settings, under Cloud providers), click Create cloud Airwall, and select Alibaba Cloud Airwall.
    Create cloud Airwall menu
  2. In v2.2.8 and later, select the type of Airwall to create, and select Next.
  3. In v2.2.8 and later, if you want to use a template to create the Airwall Gateway, select the template, select Next, and then give the Airwall Gateway a descriptive name. You can then skip to the next step.
    To continue without a template and enter the information manually, just select Next.
    1. If you are filling in information manually, or want to change the template, fill in the Name and Image and network options for this Airwall Gateway. For Machine type, the default typically works. You can select a different size if needed for your purposes.
      Alibaba Cloud template dialog
    2. Under Airwall gateway image ID, pick the Airwall Gateway image you want to use. The list shows the Airwall Gateway images available on your cloud provider.
    3. If you do not have a pre-configured virtual network, you need to create a new network. Click Create new network and fill in the form:
      • Network CIDR – Enter an available network address and subnet mask in CIDR notation.
      • Public subnet CIDR – Must be a subnet of the main network. Traffic flows between the underlay interface of the Airwall Gateway and the Public IP address object in Azure.
      • Protected subnet CIDR – Must be a subnet of the main network. Traffic must pass through theAirwall Gateway or through manually-crafted routes.

      When you’re finished entering the information, click Create network, and when processing is complete, click Back.

      Create new network (VPC) dialog
    4. Back on the Create cloud Airwall page, select the network and public and protected subnets you just created.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Check the summary. If everything is correct, click Create cloud Airwall.
  6. Click Finish. It may take up to 5 minutes for Alibaba Cloud to create the Airwall Gateway.
You’ve completed creating an Airwall Gateway on Alibaba Cloud, and now need to provision, License, and configure it. For help, see Provision and License Airwall Edge Services and Configuring Airwall Edge Service settings.

Step 4: (Optional) Change your Elastic IP Bandwidth Setting

The Airwall Gateway images on Alibaba Cloud use the following default values for elastic IP:

  • Bandwidth: 5 Mbps
  • InternetChargeType: PayByTraffic
  • InstanceChargeType: Postpaid (Pay-As-You-Go)

You can change the bandwidth value once the Airwall Gateway is deployed, however be aware that the bandwidth rate may increase when you edit this value. For more information on how to change the bandwidth, see Alibaba help.