Release Notes v3.5.3

Release date: November, 2024


This version of the Airwall solution brings the Windows Airwall Agent up to the current 3.5.x codebase and fixes several bugs from the v3.4.5 release, including the installation process. See Installing and configuring a Windows Airwall Agent. Download the Airwall Agent from your Conductor or through your Conductor administrator.


ID Applies to Description
AWDEV-2341 Windows Airwall Agent Fixed an issue where the Windows Agent can reboot unexpectedly during installation process.
AWDEV-2321 Windows Airwall Agent Fixed an issue where the Conductor status shows as none rather than inactive for the first minute after opening the Windows Airwall Agent.

Known issues

ID Applies to Description
AWDEV-2695 Windows Airwall Agent The TAP driver fails to appear as part of the 3.5.3 Windows Airwall Agent installation.
AWDEV-983 Windows Airwall Agent The 3.5.3 Windows Airwall Agent installer is signed but not by recognized CA chain, which may result in a “not fully trusted” dialog during installation.
AWDEV-1434 Windows Airwall Agent You cannot currently use the uninstaller for Windows Airwall Agent v2.2.13.

Workaround - If you are a local administrator search for Command Prompt, right click > Run as administrator, then enter: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\TemperedNetworks unins000.exe.

DEV-13536 Windows Airwall Agent When you uninstall the Windows Airwall Agent, it does not remove the tun-tap driver.

Workaround - Delete the driver from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\tnw-tap.sys.

DEV-12852 Windows Airwall Agent Windows by default does not allow multiple 'active' interfaces. It prefers ethernet over cellular whenever possible.

Workaround - Set Windows to keep multiple interfaces open by editing the fMinimizeConnections registry value:

  1. Hold the Windows Key and Press R.
  2. In the run dialog, type regedit and click OK.
  3. Navigate to the following path in Registry Editor: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WcmSvc\4
  4. See if the GroupPolicy subkey exists. If not with, WcmSvc highlighted, right click on WcmSvc and Choose New > Key and name it GroupPolicy.
  5. Right-click GroupPolicy and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) > Create value.
  6. Name the value "fMinimizeConnections," and select OK. (The value should be 0, or false).
  7. Reboot and test.