Successfully deploy and configure the Airwall solution and revolutionize security on your network.
There are various tools available on our platform to help you diagnose problems you may encounter.
Help if you're having trouble connecting Airwall Edge Services to your Airwall secure network.
Help for Conductor connectivity issues.
Overviews and demos for the Tempered Airwall Solution.
Connect your mobile or laptop to Airwall to get access to protected resources.
Provision and manage Airwall Edge Services and devices, monitor activity, and install updates.
Get started with the Airwall solution.
Learn how to deploy the Airwall solution, connect devices, set up overlays, configure device trust, and give people access to your Airwall secure network.
How to integrate the Airwall Solution with third-party services.
Conductor diagnostics include several tools for checking and troubleshooting connectivity.
If you have Airwall Edge Services that are using only an IPv6 address, they will only be able to connect to Airwall Edge Services that are using IPv4 addresses through a dual stack (IPv4 + IPv6) Airwall Relay. They also need to have relay policy with each other. Dual stack means the relay needs both IPv4 and IPv6 underlay addresses with global Internet connectivity.
As part of the troubleshooting process, it is sometimes necessary to capture network traffic. The Airwall Gateway can capture traffic on the local interfaces as well as on the HIP tunnel from the Airwall Gateway to other Airwall Gateways.
Here are some things to check if you are having trouble connecting your Airwall Gateway to your Conductor or underlay network.
Many browsers see the self-signed certificate on a new Conductor as a security risk. Here's how to proceed past the warning to the Conductor on several browsers. Sometimes after provisioning the Conductor, you will be able to bypass this warning. To prevent this error, content/topics/cond_custom_certs.html.
Links to topics for common issues on cloud Airwall Gateways and Conductor.
Learn how to identify and manage IP conflicts in your Airwall secure network.
With this release, any Airwall Edge Services running v2.1.x releases will show an error recommending you update them. After updating Conductor to v3.0.0 or later, you won't be able to configure v2.1.x devices from the Conductor until you update them.
Reset a Conductor to return it to the original factory settings. If an Airwall Edge Service is not online at the time of a factory reset, and an SRV record is configured for the MAP server in DNS, the Conductor performs these actions when the Airwall Edge Service next comes online.
You can reset a virtual Conductor to return it to the original settings.
Rebooting an Airwall Gateway is one of several diagnostic techniques that you can use to help troubleshoot. How you reboot and Airwall Gateway varies depending on the model. Be careful with the reset button, because for some models, pressing for an extended time factory resets the Airwall Gateway.
You can reset Airwall Gateways to return them to the original factory settings. If an Airwall Gateway is not online at the time of a factory reset, and an SRV record is configured for the MAP server in DNS, the Conductor performs these actions when the Airwall Gateway next comes online.
If an Airwall Gateway, Airwall Agent, or Airwall Linux Agent is lost, stolen or damaged, you can revoke it to remove its access to your Airwall secure network. You must be a manager of all overlay networks to which the Airwall Edge Service belongs. Once revoked, the Airwall Edge Service will not be able to establish or receive communications on your Airwall secure network.
Conductors and Airwall Gateways running versions 2.0.0 or greater use a new metadata protocol (MAP2). MAP2 allows for better scalability and performance than the previously implemented IF-MAP protocol.
There are two methods to determine the signal strength of a WiFi-enabled Airwall Gateway.
Go here for important information on known issues, end-of-life notices, and other product updates.
You can access the Airwall API Reference from your Conductor.
Download firmware, software, and hotfixes by version, and see release notes for versions.
You can often find answers to your questions in Airwall help. If you still need help, check here for help getting support.