Check Status of People Onboarding

You can check the status of people onboarding using Activation Codes or Airwall Invitations in the Conductor.

You can also run reports that show the overall status of your onboarding. See Run Network Activity Reports.

Check Activation Code Status

There are two ways to see the status of activation codes assigned to people from a People group:

On a person's detail page, look under People groups to see if they have unused activation codes from their People group membership.

On the People page, the far right column shows the following status icons. You can hover over the icons for additional details:

Icon Meaning
Authenticated User icon Authenticated user
Activation code icon (plug) Unused activation code
Expired activation code icon - grayed out plug Expired activation code
People status last 24 hrs login icon Person logged in in the last 24 hours
People status last week login icon Person logged in last week
People status longer than a week since last login icon Person logged in more than a week ago
People status never login icon Person has never logged in

Check Airwall Invitations Status

You can check the status of Airwall Invitations you've sent on the Airwalls page, Airwall Invitations tab.
  • Select the arrow to the right of the Created by column to expand the status of Airwall Invitations and Activation codes created by that administrator and see the email addresses invited to join your Airwall secure network.
  • The Status column shows how many Airwall Invitations are used and unused, and when expanded, shows provisioned and unused activations by email address.
  • When the invitation is expanded, the Airwall column shows the Airwall Agents activated for each activated email address.

    Expanded Airwall Invitation status

  • The Expires at column shows how many Airwall Invitations are set to expire.
You can also select a Filter by tab at the top to filter by Unused, Managed, or Expired Airwall Invitations, or select Refresh to refresh the list..