Release Notes 2.2.8 Hotfix – Airwall Gateway HF-1 (Retired)

Release Date: Sep 3, 2020

What’s New

2.2.8 Airwall Gateway Hotfix HF-1

This hotfix has been retired. These fixes are included in Airwall Gateway HF-2.


Also install Conductor HF-3, as it fixes some of these issues from the Conductor side. See Release Notes 2.2.8 Hotfix – Conductor HF-3 (Retired).

Upgrade Considerations

Upgrade to this 2.2.8 hotfix if you were experiencing any of the following issues:
  • Ping devices failures.
  • Airwall Gateways needing to reconnect to the Conductor.
  • Airwall Gateways failing a policy check on some overlay networks

Or if you were impacted by any of the other issues fixed in this hotfix.


ID Applies to Description
DEV-14190 Airwall Gateway Fixed an issue that could cause traffic problems in deployments with multiple overlay port groups on the same broadcast domain.
DEV-14162 Airwall Gateway Fixed an issue in Conductor HF-2 that was causing the "Ping devices" feature to fail for devices with plain IP addresses.
DEV-14115 Conductor Fixed an issue that could cause infrequent Conductor service issues resulting in all Airwall Gateways needing to reconnect to the Conductor.
DEV-14067 Conductor, Airwall Gateway Fixed an issue on 2.2.8 Airwall Edge Services that could cause false negatives in the policy check for some overlay network configurations.
DEV-13981 Airwall Gateway Fixed an issue where setting an overlay default gateway prevented creating both the connected (local subnet) and default routes.
DEV-13974 OpenHIP Fixed performance regression on multi-core platforms.
DEV-13926 OpenHIP Fixed a rare packet allocation failure issue on Airwall Gateway-100.
DEV-13903 Airwall Gateway Airwall Gateway-110 models now can use the link failover monitor.
DEV-13843 Airwall Gateway Added firewall connection states to the diagnostic report.
DEV-13275 Airwall Gateway Fixed an issue where a misconfigured local device was corrupting the ARP cache entries for peer Airwall Gateways.

Known Issues

See Release Notes 2.2.8 for known issues.