Troubleshooting connection issues for offline Airwall Edge Services
Here are the most common reasons an Airwall Edge Service is offline:
- No power – The Airwall Edge Service or device (for example, laptop or cell phone) is off. Solution – Make sure power is on and the device is booted up.
- Port is blocked – Port mapping is blocking traffic. Solution – Check
that the following ports are open in your network firewall:
- UDP 10500 - Check that both inbound and outbound connections are allowed.
- TCP 8096 - Check that inbound connections are allowed.
To verify that TCP 8096 is working through any firewall connections:
netcat: nc –vz <Conductor-IP> port 8096
- No network connection – There is no connection between the Conductor and the Airwall Edge Service. Solution – Check that they are both connected to a network with routes to each other.
- Device is in disconnected mode – An Airwall Agent is in disconnected mode. Solution – Temporarily suspend disconnected mode while you troubleshoot.
If none of these suggestions help, see the additional troubleshooting topics below.